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festival service 


The impact of overconsumption is a wicked problem in personal, social, governmental, (..) and sustainable aspects. Before being paralyzed by the issue, it is important to act within one's scope, hacking complex systems and finding a niche in which to act. Change of different levels can empower the change on a paradigm level.


Gräv där du står! (swed.)

("Dig where you stand!")

Certain small hygiene items are purchased especially for festivals and left there as waste. The products are mostly unused and are left as a rubbish dump - often in smaller towns and communities or in nature.

Compensation systems create an incentive to collect and dispose of waste, but not yet to produce less waste.



The main goal is to provoke a shift on the paradigm level. Festivals provider, but also the visitors should be supported in making more sustainable choices. 


Re brings festival organizers and service providers together and thus offers a closed packaging cycle. If a festival accepts the service, kits which contain basic hygiene products are provided, labeled, filled and transported to the festival. There they are given out to the visitors at the entrance and returned to the service provider through a deposit at the end of the festival.


The kit serves as an advertising platform for brands of the goods contained in the kit. The products in the kit can also be purchased at the advertising stands at the festival site. The use of the kit and its possibilities will be communicated to the customer in advance and hygiene items will no longer be bought and brought to the festival.

That has to be a main key to preventing the consumption. How should it work without? Political demands maybe...



The kit contains dry hygiene products as they are more transport friendly and sustainable towards water consumption. How much plastic packaging can be safed by the service was calculated using toothpaste as an example. 

Also done for water consumption and emissions (see video). The numbers are not fixed, they serve as an example.

( per toothpaste )



Not only can resources be saved, but all entities involved in the cycle are provided with benefits.



The goods included in the kit are communicated via several platforms in advance, on the product itself and during the festival itself. This serves as an advertising platform for the merchandising cooperations - also for the the provided merchandise stands on the festival area offer an advertising surface to the cooperation and the visitor the possibility to inform himself, to inspire or to refill the kit at a reasonable let. 

Communication here might mean also advertising and making public.



As the labels of the kit have to be updated for each festival, the chance of calculating continiously the amount of saved resources can be added to it as information. Introducing the user to the product, the sustainable advantages of dry hygiene products encourages to rethink one's own handling of products. Knowledge is generated that can be taken out of the context of the festival and into everyday life.

A kit as an educational tool still depends on the acessibility of the contained goods outside of the context of a festival.


The service design could also be adjusted to different contexts:

Dry hygiene products are lighter and therefore could be brought to longer hikes and travels.
Hotels and hostels could offer the kits, so they avoid single packaging for guests.

/ 3.5 months / 2019_20 
/ teamwork with my fellow student and great friend Magdalena Buchberger
/ supervised by dipl. designer Wolfgang Rößler (nju studio) and
Prof. Schabbach at University of Applied Science Coburg

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